
copy-of-untitled.jpgThis is going to be fun.  I love fun and laughter.  Let’s keep this fun!  Let me know if that is ok with you!

Thanks to Larri Cochran for the blogging seminar she presented in January along with our visits with Max that got me even thinking I could do this.  And thanks to all those wonderful  friends for their support.

Working in communications and coming from about fifteen years of public relations experience, I have continued to recognize many industries seem to be ‘whispering’. Being this silent is sometimes intentional. But I really don’t believe that this is the reason. Historically, it seems we didn’t have to ‘tout’. It was self-sufficient, a self-communicative state was ok, everyone that need to talk to each other did, and seemed to be okay with that. We still are like that.

But with the advancement of technology we need to explore and advance into a more sophisticated state of ‘touting’. And with the advancement of competing for market and mind share and with so many almighty dollars being tossed around into advertising, we must discover and implement those ways to tell the wonderful things we do for us, our mission and our community commitment which we have performed, silently, for so many years. So it is with these words that I will name this blog about public relations, ‘shout.’

This is a new area for me, and it is very exciting.

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Suzanne Larocque  |  January 17, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    Suzanne, I was great meeting you this morning at the WBOA meeting. Your presentation, though short, was very informative. I also appreciated your feedback about creating a blog. I will spend some time this next week working on that.

    Hope we can meet for coffee. You seem like a very sincere and sweet person!

    -Suzanne (Suz)


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